
CGS offers indoor instruction/lessons that are specifically designed to improve your game. These lessons can cover your total game or a specific problem area. From tee to green, CGS has you covered.  Contact me for lesson blocks that offer great savings for people who purchase multiple lessons. 


1 Hour:  $100

30 Min:  $50

Juniors (Under 18 years old)

1 Hour:  $60

30 Min:  $30

Coaching VS Lessons


Most people assume they need a lesson or instruction with their golf game. That isn’t necessarily the right answer a lot of times. Even some golf pros don’t really specify or realize there is a difference. When you approach your Golf Pro be specific with what you are looking for.


When someone schedules a lesson with a golf pro it automatically signifies to them that you are looking for technical fixes with your swing. The way people approach that is more analytical. There will be videos taken, swings analyzed, drills given to the player to reinforce movements. Swing changes/Swing fixes are a lengthy process that takes a lot of repetition work by the player to fully change their swing or correct a swing fault.

 Coaching on the other hand is more about playing golf. This is naturally less about technique (Small technique fixes do get made) and more about how to play better golf. Less about drills to correct swing faults and more about practice programs to improve certain aspects of your game.

 Normally people that have a reasonable command of their golf ball, will benefit more from a coaching session rather than a lesson. I offer a full game analysis test, which grades all areas of your game. I will then be able to develop a pointed/individualized practice program that works on the areas of your games that need improvement. Effective practice is the fastest way to reduce your scores and bring your game to new levels.

 These programs are perfect for Juniors that play competitive golf and Adults that are serious about their game.

 Coaching Packages


The coaching program includes Total Game Analysis Test ($60), a Specialized practice plan, gapping session ($90) (determine how far you hit each club in your bag), a weekly coached practice sessions in the areas of your game that need the most work ($90/$60) (Full shot, wedge shots, pitching, chipping, putting). You will also receive a 1-hour private lesson ($90/$60) (technical) per month, and a 9-hole Course Management lesson (can swap course management playing lesson for an additional lesson) ($160/100). Lastly, we will discuss and evaluate all competitive rounds for lessons learned, and areas of improvement.



1-month – $660 each month ($760 Value)

3-month commitment - $600 each month  

6-month commitment - $525 each month   *Receive an extra Total Game Analysis Test and gapping session during the last month



1-month - $450 each ($520 value)

3-month Commitment - $420 each month  

6-month Commitment - $380 each month   *Receive an extra Total Game Analysis Test and gapping session during the last month

Lessons can be booked by using the contact us button on the home page, email, or phone.  The contact information is listed below.

Email:  hoag.golf@gmail.com

Phone#:  845-614-0356